The Premium Embroidery Digitizing Services in Detroit is a critical component of any custom logo or company embroidered apparel production. It involves converting a graphic design (usually in JPG or PNG) into an embroidery file format that can be reaembroideryd by an embroidery machine. This is a complex task that requires the expertise of a professional digitizer. Embroidery Digitizing Services can help companies of all sizes to get their products to market more quickly and efficiently, with the best quality.
Which method of digitization is most commonly used?
An embroidery file consists of stitches that can be sewn on a variety of fabric types. The digitizer creates a “path” for the embroidery and tells the machine where to start and stop, what stitch type to use, and what thread color to use. A poorly digitized path can lead to undesirable holes or a design that looks odd when finished.
A well-digitized design will also look better on different fabric types. For example, a logo that was digitized for polar fleece will not look as good on a pique net. The stitches will sink into the pique net, and the texture will not be as smooth. This is one of the reasons why it’s important to find an experienced digitizer who understands how stitching will look on various fabrics. To get started, fill out the form above with your design and specifications.